What is the KRCS / AARC PACT?
PACT stands for Political Advocacy Contact Team. The AARC recognized the importance of political advocacy in the late 1990’s and formed the Political Advocacy Contact Team. This is a grass roots effort to respond to important legislative and regulatory issues that affect our patients with respiratory disease and also the Respiratory Care profession. This Team is the backbone of the KRCS and the AARC’s advocacy efforts.
ALL KRCS Members are considered to be part of the grassroots team. The Kansas Representatives and Senators need to hear from their constituents, not just the PACT leaders. Your efforts in sending emails and making phone calls are crucial to the success of our legislative efforts.
The PACT is structured with two PACT Leaders identified for every State Affiliate. These State Affiliate PACT Co-Leaders help keep their members informed about important legislative efforts, both on the Federal and State level. The PACT Leaders coordinate the grassroots responses when letters need to be written.
The KRCS PACT Co-Leaders are Terri Lesser and Crystal Irwin.
The AARC PACT meets every year in Washington DC. PACT representatives from all states make appointments with their Congressmen and Senators to advocate for our patients, to discuss current issues and to promote our profession.
The KRCS also monitors legislation in the Kansas State Legislature for any bills or proposed amendments to existing statutes that impact our patients and our profession. The KRCS sponsors a “Kansas Legislative Day” during every session. We use this opportunity to set up educational displays, conduct screening spirometry and visit the offices of the members of the House Health and Human Services Committee and the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. We distribute packets with information about Respiratory Care and the KRCS.
Legislative Day provides a great opportunity to interact with our State Legislators.
All KRCS members are welcome to participate in Legislative Day.
Please feel free to contact either one if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help
PACT Co-Chair
Terri Lesser
PACT Co-Chair
Crystal Irwin