Kansas Respiratory Care Society

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Winter 2020 - Virtual AARC House of Delegates Meeting

Winter 2020 BIG LIST

Big List/ To Do List Winter 2020

Speaker Teri Miller called the virtual meeting to order.  Presentation of the Colors, Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem as per tradition were presented by LTC Wadie Williams, Jr., AARC Military Liaison and Kristi Hack, WY Delegate.

Veterans Tribute 2020 Speaker Miller shared a beautiful poem and a slide show of veterans submitted by HOD and BOD members. The ceremony ended with a moment of silence in honor of our veterans, and those RT’s who lost their lives in the battle against COVID-19.

Parliamentarian Garry Kaufman reminded delegates voting was limited to one vote per Affiliate and had been prior determined.  Parliamentary rules and dress code were sent out prior to the virtual meeting.

Roll call: Quorum was verified with 49 delegations present day one and 48 present day two per Asha DesaiSecretary, Jodi Jaeger was unable to be with us as she lost her Mother this week.

Keith Siegal, Past President presented the Credentials report and Required Orientation report.  Both were accepted by majority.

Committee Chair, Melanie McDonough (FL) presented page 6 of Scrutinizing Committee Report.   The July 15 & 16, 2020 HOD Meeting Minutes were approved.

Consent Agenda Approved/Flexibility to Schedule Approved

21 students Joining the meeting.  There were some issues initially with all attendees not receiving access to join the meeting.  This was resolved in about 30 minutes.

Suzi Westmoreland (SC) of Elections Committee presented the results of the HOD Virtual Elections:

·        Treasurer- Jim Lanoha (LA)

·        Secretary- Jodi Jaeger (WI)

·        Speaker Elect- Lanny Inabnit (NC)

·        By Laws- Ed Borza/Chair elect (HI) & Keith Hirst/member (MA)

·        Elections- Sheryle Barrett (FL)
*All Nominations Approved, Motion to hold the Ballots for 30 days Approved

OPEN MIC: Request for ZOOM pricing/partner account with the AARC from De De Gardner (TX).  Response from Keith Hirst (MA) –his affiliate did an analysis of different platforms available.  Keith posted on CONNECT (11/12/20 at 8:59) more information for those needing this information.  Response from AARC personnel regarding Refresh Video with Information and Guidelines on offering Educational Events virtually.


NBRC REPORT per Kathy Fedor & Lori Tinkler:   Page 54 of Agenda—no new Information since video report.

o    NBRC sponsored by AARC, CHEST, ATS & ASA

o    Credentialing body for the respiratory care profession for entry into practice and specialty areas

o    Independent from other organizations (AARC, CoARC, state licensing boards, Lamda Beta, state societies)

o    Updates to the credentialing process

o    New TMC and CSE Content

o    Credential Maintenance Program

o    New Message Center

o    Every Breath Counts campaign

o    Future Professional Practice

o    COVID-19 Adjustments

o    The World needs more RT’s Public Relations campaign

o    Exam Development Process (5 years to complete)

o    Validity study, Personnel survey, Job analysis study, Development of test specification, Validation study

·        Virtual testing has gone well and will likely be continued post pandemic.

·        Specialty exams to move to that format as well.

·         CAAHEP has requested eligibility and was denied.  No new accreditor has been granted acceptance.

·        Every Breath Counts Campaign update 2020: Profit sharing choices to American Lung Association, Allergy & Asthma Network, or Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

·        Every Breath Counts Campaign 2021: Profit sharing choices to Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, National Sleep Foundation or COPD Foundation



·        State Affiliate Student Engagement: Cheryl Skinner (KS), De De Gardner (TX), Greg Carter (WA)


No questions

·        Using A Financial Advisor for Budgeting & Investing, to Keep the Affiliate Stable and to Help Look Towards the Future: RCSW Financial Consultant Phillip Gainey



Questions and comments:

Lanny Inabnit (NC): Would Phillip volunteer to provide information to AARC chartered affiliates or possibly at AARC bootcamp? Maybe do a mini-series of Information for the chartered affiliates? Greg Carter (WA) responded that when this best practice subject was approached, they knew it could turn into a mini series and that there may be possibilities for Phillip to share with the HOD again.


Kevin Crezee: Looking at Non-profits; what is acceptable to raise funds?


·        Summit Award Demystification: Lanny Inabnit (NC) & De De Gardner (TX):



Questions and comments: Concern expressed regarding only large states being able to receive the award.  Lanny discussed how the award has been changed & thanked De De for her work to revamp the form to make it fair for all affiliates regardless of their size.  Ideas included: using the Summit Award as Board goals/Standing items with on line submission forms (Teena Culhane, MI), Picking at least 3 Horizon Goals to work on (Lisa Fuchs, NE).



Q & A for By Laws Committee Presentation: Brian Cayko (MO)


No Questions or comments

Email: bylaws@aarc.org


Tom Kallstrom, AARC Executive Office Update:


·        Back in office for business – worked remotely from March to September

·        Membership as of 10/102020

o   41,722 active members (9/2020 active members 2.3% higher compared to 9/2019)

o   3,222 associate members

o   297 special members

·        Reach 45,000 members the AARC will increase revenue to each affiliate


·        AARC Board of Directors approved $20,000 to be redirected to RT COVID fund

·        Received $45,000 in pledges from industry partners

·        Vapotherm to share a third of profits from Felix 1

·        Companies who pledged have all agreed to allow remaining funds to transfer to the Disaster Relief Fund once pandemic declared over and a full year has passed

Disaster Relief

·        $2,000 given out as of 9/2020 to members in need from California, Louisiana, and Iowa

·        Current Disaster Relief Fund is $198,500

·        Affiliated donated $2,000 this year

AARC Times

·        Now the AARC Newsroom after the first of the year

·        Web-based product but have the same content

·        More nimble and more flexible in adding content compared to traditional method

HR Survey 2020

·        2020 11,500 RT Survey, 212 Educator Survey, 291 Manager Survey

·        Fewer participated compared to past surveys but considering the extenuating circumstances

·        Good enough data to use to help us better understand where we are today

·        Asked questions about COVID-19


·        New Endowment for RT research

o   Craig Smallwood, PhD, RRT: Early Investigator Research Fellowship to support research in neonatal and pediatric respiratory care.

·        59th Journal Conference postponed until 2021.

o   Topic COPD: Current Evidence and Implications for Practice

·        Nominations for new Trustees and elections for new Officers


·        23 Respiratory Therapists have lost their lives from COVID-19.  The AARC is personally reaching out to their families. They will be immortalized in the virtual museum at no cost. Their family will receive a small token of $500. They did not have to be a member of the AARC. Let the executive office know when an RT passes as a result of patient care that they may not know about.

·        https://museum.aarc.org/wall-of-donors/

·        https://www.aarc.org/resources/clinical-resources/pandemic-ventilation-video-series-covid-19/

·        https://www.aarc.org/nn20-covid-19-news-resources/

·        Open for ideas to increase support of the AARC.  

·        Idea regarding adding a LIFETIME membership option for those wanting to pay an increased fee.  This is an option for seniors/retired RT’s.

·        Question regarding addition of membership benefits. (Life Insurance was included in the past for instance.)  Tom asked that ideas be sent to the Executive office.

·        Health Professions Week.  Ronda Bradley (MO) asked about driving traffic to the AARC virtual booth.  Shawna clarified that the booth is for high school students, under represented students, focus on diversity and inclusion.  Send the link to local high schools, face book, twitter, etc.

o    https://www.aarc.org/nn20-health-professions-week-2020

o    Shawna.strickland@aarc.org

o    https://explorehealthcareers.org/hpw/

Use of Promo Codes in Affiliates: Doug Laher

·        Virtual Congress event next week (Nov 18, 20 Dec 3, 5) AARC Congress LIVE! includes 100+ learning sessions spread across four days.

·        Billy Dawson Concert Tuesday evening

·        Flag folding event

·        During breaks there will be

o    Meditation and Yoga

o    Cooking Demos

·        Revenue Sharing Promo Codes

o    Gives participant $5off Congress; $5 goes to state affiliate

o    State specific URL; tagged for tracking. Can provide state affiliates with what is their driving tool/Next year can give more specific URL’s for newsletters, Facebook, twitter, website.

Questions and comments:

o    Melanie McDonough (FL): Can state affiliates get Promos before registration opens- before advertising? \Want to target someone from the state to take the lead on this.

o    Steve Zackowski (VT/NH): Members bombarded by info on COVID & not been good with CONNECT communication. Ideas on how to improve communication.

o    Teena Culhane (MI): Affiliates need the codes well in advance of the meeting to make sure it gets to the site.  Some members know when the meeting is and automatically go to the AARC site and register.  Doug indicated that the promo codes came out later this first time.

o    Greg Carter (WA): His affiliate trying apps to send out information

o    Joan Kreiger (CT): Wanted to know if a prompt could be added that reminded registrants to use their state code.  Doug said it would defeat the purpose of holding the affiliates accountable for marketing that is intended by the codes.  Asked for cost for App and the process—Greg to send information

o    Sheryle Barrett (FL): Suggestion to Buy an email list/get Licensees to reach members and non-members



Bill Bitzel Memorial Fund Ad Hoc Committee: Kerry & Karen

·        Recommendation 1: Change the name from the Bill Bitzel Memorial Fund to the Bill Bitzel Memorial Affiliate Award; approved

·        Recommendation 2: HOD Volunteerism and Mentoring Committee advertise and select the recipient for the award and notify the ARCF who would then administer the award.

o    Changing the reward- still honoring an excellent student

o    Fund not endowed yet-needs donations -$290 from each affiliate would completely endow

o    Question from Hawaii delegate regarding if ARCF had signed off on administering the award.  They have which gives the HOD a level of ownership to help build it.

o    Speaker Miller asked that affiliates consider supporting the $290 donation and made her contribution public as an example.



·        Speaker Miller thanked the Profession for not looking back and for working towards the future.

·        Speaker Miller called the HOD as elected members to a higher calling. We are trusted by our membership to represent. She reminded us there are lots of challenges but also lots of opportunities.  She asked that we think beyond our norm and ask the question of what could be. Consider that this may be the new norm for a while.

·        Reviewed Committee Charges:

o    Chartered Affiliates Committee

§  Affiliate Leader Transition Template-attached to agenda book

§  Updating CAC Handbook

§  Updating CAC description

§  Anticipating Needs for Financial Policy Support

o    Student Mentorship Committee

§  Developed mechanism for 28 students to join us for this meeting virtually

o    Affiliate Best Practice

§  Revision of Best Practice form

§  Working on past Best Practice Cataloging for reference with descriptions for ease of access

§  Working with EO for repository of Best Practice Presentations

o    Elections Committee

§  Successfully held electronic elections

§  Worked on updating policy to support this

§  Working on policy for future

o    Policy and Guide

§  Worked closely with Elections committee to align action with policy

§  Exploring between meeting e-vote potential

o    Resolutions

§  Developed video to support affiliates and delegate in Resolution process using a case study approach

o    Orientation

§  Transitioning orientation to an ongoing process throughout the year

§  Will be added to AARC community

o    Delegate Assistance

§  Affiliate strategic planning process & resources

§  Affiliate liaison role- ongoing

o    AARC Bylaw/Scrutinizing

§  Develop a special presentation on bylaws process for affiliates and AARC to assist

o    Affiliate Strengthening

§  Affiliate Oath template

o    Communication

§  Successfully completed a survey on social media use/affiliate communication

o    Officers

§  Developing guidance documents to support smooth transition & process

·        New Ad-Hoc Committee on Affiliate Pandemic Impact

o    Co-Chairs:  Lanny Inabnit (NC) & Teena Culhane (MI)

o    The chairs have reviewed the results of the affiliate survey regarding the pandemic impact.

o    The survey showed the following:

§  71% did not have an inventory of communication tools (pandemic) to send to their members.

§  88% cancelled events, 10% had to pay a fee for cancelling

§  20% did not hold a meeting

§  92% were financially impacted

§  50% of BOD’s were impacted

§   25% will need support guidance moving forward

§  49% have no alternate plans for offering CE to members

o    The Committee consists of the following additional delegates:

§  John Blewitt (NM)

§  Kevin Creeze (CT)

§  Angela Butler (RI)

§  Alexia Melling (WY)

·        Next Steps include: Completion of resources and activities, Develop HOD CONNECT folder with resources

·        Concerns include: Connecting with membership, stress, lack of structure for Affiliate liaison

·        Action: Request AARC Treasurer to provide more in depth look at Affiliates support in budget

Speaker Miller asked HOD Treasurer, Jennifer Anderson (TX) to give brief report.  Donations were reviewed.  Instructions were sent prior to meeting on how to write the checks and where to send. There was a noticeable difference this year in donations due to constraints of the pandemic.  When meeting with Affiliate BOD’s please look at how donations can still be made and what adjustments in budgets can allow for support.  Affiliates typed in donations for this meeting in the chat box.

OPEN MIC: Leaders Association for Respiratory Services (LARS) UPDATE requested:  Support for managers requested by Garry Kauffman. The most influential stakeholders appear to be educators and managers.

·        Jackie Williams (OR): Any other means of communication being utilized?

o     Amanda Feil from AARC recommended using CONNECT specific to state affiliate

o    Barbara Sherwood (MN): GoTo Meeting combined with Wisconsin

o    Sheryle Barrett (FL): Using ZOOM successfully

o    Hans Billmayer (VA): Communications Committee conducted a survey that asked these questions and will present results once compiled

o    Amy Bardin (AZ): WhoVA being utilized


Q & A Resolutions: Joel Wilmouth (TN):


·        Lanny Inabnit (NC) asked how we as a group can get more meaningful resolutions out, what are the challenges? He asked that we discuss in committees.


Special Recognition: Speaker Terri Miller

1.        Bill Lamb Award- 35 years+ AARC member, LSRC Member, Jean Chachere, MHS, RRT< CPFT

2.        Outstanding Affiliate Contributor of the Year- William Croft, Ed.D, PhD, RRT, North Carolina, Executive Director NCRCB

3.        Summit Award-South Carolina Society for Respiratory Care

4.        Jerry Bridgers Delegate of the Year- Teena Culhane (MI) Delegate and PACT—asks the hard questions

·        Bill Bitzel 2021- Asking each affiliate to give $250 to help reach the endowment amount. This will provide seed money to develop a student engagement initiative for your state affiliate.



·        Steve Zachowski (VT/NH)- need new members for Chartered Affiliate Committee and next year incoming co-chair along with De De Gardner(TX).

·        Rebecca Higdon (KY)- need new members for Affiliate Best Practices and co-chair for Kim Clark.

·        Connie Dills (CT)-Fundraising ideas now that we are virtual? Baskets? Raffles?

DAY 2:

Executive Session/Closed


AARC President Address by Karen Schell – Winter 2020- https://youtu.be/8NKV53b73Vg


·        Thanks to Ellen Becker, Sherry Tooley, Anne Marie Hummel, AARC Executive Office, HOD Speaker Miller

·        “Wherever you are planted bloom with Grace.”

·        Gratitude: a grateful heart is a gift that can change our perception.

·        Take ownership of the organization, learn from the past, accept it and change for the future.

·        Need to improve, work on relationships, practice appreciative inquiry, be clear, embody change.

·        Plan our work, work your pan, and make the most of what you have.

§  Continue with Horizon goals

o    Advocacy

o    Membership

o    Communication

o    Revenue

o    Education

o    Events

§  Questions asked to President Schell:

o    Lenny Nyangwara (MD/DC)- aware of lack of recognition for RT’s-asked that CoARC and NBRC work with the AARC to build a campaign to reach out to the community to recognize RT’s.

§  Joan Kreiger (CT)- the first person highlighted in commercial from Yale New Haven Hospital was a RT.

§  Link to the Yale New Haven Hospital Commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZOvwEwdw_g


AARC International Fellows Program by AARC International Committee Chair, John Hiser https://youtu.be/xIFDrgMYXsQ

·        No fellows were accepted this year due to COVID-19.  The hope is to double up once we can start accepting again. 

·        This is John’s last year as Committee Chair.  He was recognized and spoke regarding Respect and Professionalism



Legislative Update Winter 2020 – Anne Marie Hummel, AARC Associate Executive Director  https://youtu.be/T7KCoBpD20s

 Congressional Side

·        No stimulus package yet

·        Still opportunity for must pass legislation usually referred to as the Medicare Extenders bill

o   May include some expansions to telehealth to lift geographic restrictions that call for telehealth only in rural areas

o   Lift the originating sites to allow a home to be a telehealth site

·        Government is expected to run out of money on December 11, 2020

o   Under a continuing resolution in which programs can continue to operate under 2020 funded level

·        House passed 11 bills and Senate passed none

Federal Actions

·        CMS updates for calendar 2021 for the hospital outpatient prospective payment system

·        Physician fee schedule

·        See Anne Marie’s report to the HOD for issues and comments made to CMS

·        Anne Marie wrote an article in News Now and also on the AARC website

·        Gives the full set of comments

·        One key issue is to have CMS clarify the final rule of an interim rule from May allowing RTs to provide pulmonary rehab via telehealth to patients in their home

o   AACBR has also asked for clarification and put out a fact sheet to give outline of how to bill

o   Caveat is that you need to check the compliance officers and billing department in the hospital before filing a claim.

o   Added pulmonary rehab on the telehealth list that is subject to the physician fee schedule but will have little impact because most pulmonary rehab is conducted in outpatient settings

Other Report Items

·        Evidence to CMS to update coverage decisions on non-invasive ventilators

o   Technical expert panel headed by CHEST with AARC, ATS, AASM are panel members

§  Reviewing evidence and had stakeholder presentations from DME, patient advocates, and manufacturers

o   Plan is to have an evidence-based report published in CHEST journal sometime at the end of November

·        Joint comments developed by CHEST physicians for CMS to use to update home oxygen coverage

o   Opened this determination to learn from experiences from the pandemic and to ensure policies will cover emergency situations

o   Reports of oxygen equipment shortages by the WHO

State side

·        Last report indicated more bills that would add a layer of oversight to regulatory boards

o   Since the report, only Vermont has passed a bill that will the Office of Professional Regulation as part of the Secretary of State

o   In order to be regulated, must prove that to delicense the profession would cause harm or endanger the patient and to the public’s health and welfare – good for RT

o   Provision that if the scope of practice is going to be revised that an assessment must be done and part of that requires meeting certain criteria

o   Strongly encourage to look at Vermont’s SB220 bill

·        Waiting for Georgia to determine if it is going to implement RRT as the entry level credential for licensure > Medical board approved the rules > back in the Governor’s office

Hill Day and PACT meeting in April

·        Need to wait until after the election to have an agenda of issues

·        Been in touch with phone to action group and they have a new platform and can tract data

·        Lobbyists – developing guidelines based on some experiences with other clients who have done fly-ins and virtual advocacy days

o   Hill staff do not like to be on video, but they will phone call into a Zoom meeting

o   Advocates can see each other and interact with each other

o   Might be a good option for large states with multiple PACT representatives


§  anneh@aarc.org

§  The AMA approved two new CPT codes that mirror cardiac rehab codes/effective 2022/still need payment fee assigned/Continuous oximetry monitoring for exercise—full description won’t be known until the codes are finalized.

§  No questions were asked.

Elections Committee Jerry Edens (OH): No report. Terri indicated that AARC election results have been reported to membership.

·        Ed Borza (HI) asked if pandemic had any effect on the voting numbers.  Jerry said the numbers were about the same.   A new rubric will be used for candidates and they do want to see if they can recruit new candidates.


AARC Membership 2020: An Update by AARC Membership Committee Chair Karsten Roberts- https://youtu.be/VLP0nyjTY44

·        The AARC wants to know who the Affiliate Membership chairs are.  About 38 of 50 have reported this information according to Amanda Feil.  They would like this information by 12/30/2020. (Delegates check the AARC Officiary to make sure the correct person is listed as your chair.)

·        The AARC also needs to know your BOD changes.

·        Goals, Strength, Perspective

·        Run your rosters on a regular basis.

·        Divide tasks and responsibilities

·        Focus on one member at a time.

·        Lanny Inabnit (NC) discussion regarding Membership Drives/new ways to increase membership/changing to online conferences- Easier to watch from home

·        Cheryl Skinner (KS) asked what is being done for members of 25, 30, 40 years?  Tom mentioned sending certificates from President—Breakfasts—not in person send a gift card

·        Kevin Creeze (UT) asked if there is discussion targeting the older group who may have fallen off membership compared to newer members and how do we bring them back? Have directors and educators to establish relationships—Management meeting that coincides with state meeting

·        Keith Hirst (MA) stated a problem with engaging educators and managers. Karsten stated past research in PA showed they did not have the right contact information for all managers.

·        Gabby Davis (ID) mentioned issues with hospitals giving CE’s for free, so RT’s do not need the credits.  Amanda Feil said we have to find a need a fill the need. Karsten suggested research project engagement.

·        David Asbury (LA) asked if there has been any talk regarding getting hospitals to do career ladders and making the AARC as part of the ladder. Karsten said this is more of a grass roots effort. Shawna in the chat box listed the website link: www.aarc.org/resources/programs-projects/2015-beyond/

·        Jim Lanoha (LA) requested that actual voting tally be included in the HOD meeting minutes


Vote to accept the 2021 AARC Budget was approved.



·        John Blewett (NM)- Asked for a show of hands how many RT’s do direct patient care some of the time.  (about 1/3) When he asked how many do direct patient care as primary responsibility about 10 raised their hand. He mentioned that we are here to represent our state membership and the majority are front line workers, who are dealing with fatigue, burn out, and in need of support. 

·        Jim Lanoha (LA) recapped the award winners from the previous day and said great things about the people the awards were named after.

·        Kristi Hack (WY) Drive for RT Recognition (Frontline RT Logo)

·        Keith Hirst (MA) P & T Committee will send out the survey a couple of days post Past Speakers report and asked that everyone complete the survey. 

o    COVID-19 Conferences survey- do people want 1-2 webinars each month until in person can resume? Charges for CE’s?



Speaker Presentation: Terri Miller

·        “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within be there lay an invincible summer.” Albert Camus

·        As a Profession we are Resilient.

·        Thank you to outgoing Delegates! Thank you to Asha! Thank you to Garry! Thank you to House Officers! Thank you to AARC Executive Office and Staff! Thank you to AARC BOD! Thank you to GSRC! Thank you to Middle Georgia State University! Thank you to Students! Thank you to Family!

·        Donation made to American Forests in honor of HOD members.

·        Today’s challenge is to have 100% Affiliate membership chairs (currently 77%).

·        We must connect Members, Non-members & Legislatures

·        Are we growing in strength? If we don’t do it, who will do it?  We have to do it!

·        Teamwork is power.

·        “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.” Washington Carver

·        Faith, believe, support and pray for guidance—Inspire!

·        A final challenge to go plant!


Speaker Elect Joe Goss

·        What can we do next for our RT Family?

o    More ideas & resolutions to strengthen the Horizon Goals

o    Committee work: Take home the message

·        2021-2022 Parliamentarian Kurt Merriman

New Business: None

Courtesy Resolution delivered by Suzi Westmoreland (SC)  



Past Speaker Report- Keith Siegal

Past-speaker is actually a non-voting member of the AARC BOD/Keeps track of what is going on the AARC BOD activities


Main Decisions - Action Items

·        EVOTE 20-3-1.1 AARC Executive office made a recommendation to the AARC BOD to implement $7 dues increase to begin no later than April 1, 2021

o   eVote approved prior to meeting ratified at the BOD meeting

·        Recommendation 20-3-1.2 AARC EO recommended that the HOD to approve a $6K performance bond to New York DMV for personalized license plates that designate respiratory therapists.

o    Rationale: Support RTs in NY for their efforts during the COVID crisis. Promote positive working relationship between AARC, NYSCRC, and NYDART


·        AARC BOD does not have the authority to approve affiliate bylaws because the affiliates are independent organizations. AARC BOD reviews the bylaws to ensure state affiliate bylaws are not in conflict with the AARC bylaws.

o    Recommendation 20-3-9.1 WVSRC – not in conflict with AARC Bylaws

o    Recommendation 20-3-9.2 TXSRC – not in conflict with AARC Bylaws

o    Recommendation 20-3-9.3 OSRC – not in conflict with AARC Bylaws

·        The Bylaws Committee requested that the AARC BOD review the suggested revision of AARC BOD CA.001. The Bylaws committee is working with the HOD Chartered Affiliate Committee to revise its wording based on a revised CA.001 should it be accepted

o   BOD approved

Position Statement Committee

·        Recommendation 20-3-26.1 That the issue paper entitled “Advancement of the Profession Tripartite Statements of Support” be retired”– Passed by BOD as position paper considered obsolete.

·        Recommendation 20-3-26.2 “That the position statement entitled “Interstate Transport License Exemption” with noted revisions (language to be removed appears as strikethrough and language to be inserted appears as bold and underlined) be approved.” Added the wording “with a valid National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) credential for the duration of the transport.”  Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-26.3 “That the position statement entitled “Pre-Hospital Ventilator Management Competency” with noted revisions (language to be removed appears as strikethrough and language to be inserted appears as bold and underlined) be approved.” Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-26.4 “That the issue paper entitled “RT Credential” with noted revisions (language to be removed appears as strikethrough and language to be inserted appears as bold and underlined) be approved.” Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-26.5 “That the new position statement entitled “Best Practices in Productivity and Staffing: Value-Efficiency” be approved.” Passed by BOD

Strategic Planning Committee

·        Floor Motion 20-3-16.1. The AARC Executive Office Provide a dashboard on the following Horizon Goals metrics to the Strategic Planning Committee quarterly and publish the finding in the BOD book for each meeting. – Passed by BOD

Fellowship Committee

·        Presidential Recommendation (not for board approval) for 2020 Committee Structure: The committee requests the addition of one new member from academia to be placed on the committee. It is within the policy (Chair and up to six members) and we would like to continue the plan to ensure continuity. Information only

Policy Review

·        Recommendation 20-3-33.1 BOD.005 Oversight of Executive Director

o    The committee recommends that the Board approve this policy as revised. – Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-33.2 BOD.007 Fiduciary Responsibility

o    The committee recommends that the Board approve this policy as revised. – Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-33.3 BOD.017 BOD Officer Position Description Profiles

o    (Policies BOD.017, BOD.018, BOD.019, and BOD.020 combined under this policy number)

The committee recommends that the Board approve this policy as revised. (This is the former policy entitled “President Elect-President Position Description

o    Profiles”) – Combines position descriptions of BOD Officers into one policy – Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-33.4

o    (BOD.018 Vice President/Internal Affairs, BOD.019 Vice President/External Affairs, BOD.020 Secretary Treasurer)

o    The committee recommends that BOD.018, BOD.019 and BOD.020 be retired. - Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-33.5 BOD.021 BOD Director Position Description Profiles

o    (Policies BOD.021 and BOD.022 combined under this policy number)

o    The committee recommends that the Board approve this policy as revised. - Combines position descriptions of Director and Section Directors into one policy. – Passed by BOD

·        Recommendation 20-3-33.6 BOD.022 Section Director

o    The committee recommends that BOD.022 be retired. – Passed by BOD

Leadership and management Section

·        For Information Only: Work will begin on a position statement and white paper on “Defining Respiratory Care Value.” Rick Ford, Garry Kauffman, and Rob Chatburn have been recommended to be added as expert, ad-hoc members.

ELSO (Extracorporeal Life Support Organization)


Finance Committee

·        AARC EO needs BOD approval for expenditures over $10K – two were approved

o   Recommendation 1 $13K unbudgeted expense to do a server upgrade – Passed by BOD.

o   Recommendation 2 $14K unbudgeted to upgrade phone system to be compatible with server upgrades – Passed by BOD.

o    Recommendation 3 That the AARC BOD approve the 2021 budget. – Passed by BOD.


Other action items

Joint PR Campaign with AARC, NBRC, and CoARC

BOD in support of this project but legal issues need to be addressed


Daedalus BOD

·        Requires that a BOD be elected annually

·        President Schell called a special meeting of the AARC BOD to address this and elect a Daedalus BOD for 2021.

o    President/Chair – Sheri Tooley, Secretary/Treasurer – Aaron Light, Vice President – Karen Schell, Vice President – Cheryl Hoerr, Vice President – Georgianna Sergakis

Historically speaker of the house has been part of that structure – AARC agreed to continue that and will correct it

Open Mic

Massachusetts requested an update for the AARC BOD meeting in March 2021




Respectfully Submitted per the Following Affiliates Best Practices Committee Members:

Rebecca Higdon (KY)

Kim Clark (NC)

Melanie McDonough (FL)

Lisa Ball (OK)